For Understanding Montessori

Putting together a book group for your school? Or perhaps you would like every family in your school to have a copy of Understanding Montessori? E-mail us to find out about our special offer for book groups ordering five copies or more.
We’re pleased to be able to offer this five-page downloadable study guide for your personal use or for use with a book study or discussion group. Besides offering over 50 questions to spark thought and comments, the study guide contains color photos of children working in Montessori classrooms around the world.
Some sample questions follow:
From Chapter 1: So You Keep Hearing About Montessori
The three-hour work cycle in a Montessori classroom is a vital factor in children’s learning success. How have you experienced the “learn-do-commit” process of a success cycle?
From Chapter 3: Montessori Principles: More Than Teaching
If a child is failing it is never the child’s fault. How do Montessori teaching principles address this idea?
From Chapter 5: What? No Grades?
What do you think are the most important things for your children to learn in life?
From Chapter 7: Visiting A Montessori School
What might you expect if you visited a Montessori school? What qualities do you think should be physically present? Consider pedagogical principles (page 35) and human tendencies (page 32) in your thinking process.
Special Offer for Schools
Putting together a book group? Want every family to have a copy of Understanding Montessori?
E-mail us to find out about our special offer for orders over five books.