Do your school families wonder…
- How can I best support my child’s learning?
- How can I use Montessori ideas and principles to maximize my child’s overall development?
- Is Montessori education the right choice for my child? And for my family?
Your school community will get the answers to these questions, and more, with Seeing Your Child The Montessori Way.
This workshop rolls out in six-weekly sessions, each about 50 minutes in length. Each session is divided into short activity segments, varying in length from 2 to 12 minutes.
As with all Kids Talk Online Workshops, you work at your own pace. There is no behind, because you have continued access to the course material in your Kids Talk Workshop Library!
Have a few minutes? It’s easy to sign in at
Or sign in at the bottom of any Kids Talk Newsletter.
Here’s the first activity segment that tells you about this workshop.
The video presentation above.
Download the MP3 file below.
Audio: Welcome and Overview
Download the transcript handout below.
Handout: Welcome and Overview
Here’s what school leaders are saying:
“We are thrilled to be offering this parent support program and community platform to our school community.”
“This program has been an amazing tool for helping parents with common challenges at home and a way to better understand what we do at school.”
“As a teacher, school owner, administrator and parent, I really love this course! The parents at my school who have taken it now not only have a much better understanding of how and why Montessori education works, but how and why it works so well.”
Please note that enrollment in all Kids Talk Workshops
is closed in order to update our courses.
This workshop rolls out in six-weekly sessions, each about 50 minutes in length. Each session is divided into short activity segments, varying in length from 2 to 12 minutes.
The material is presented in three ways:
Watch on your phone, tablet or computer.
You can download an audio file and listen wherever you are.
The transcript of each session is available in a convenient handout.

About Your School Program
- Seeing Your Child The Montessori Way is on-demand, online and available 24/7.
- Once you are registered, you’ll be taking the course in minutes.
- Your school community will have on-going access to this course for your school’s year-long subscription, with option to renew annually.
- You’ll be supported each step of the way as you implement your school program.
- Your school program is designed for your school community and is branded with your school name.
What parents are saying…
Please note that enrollment in all Kids Talk Workshops
is closed in order to update our courses.
Look at everything we cover in this course!
Weeks 1 and 2: Seeing From The Child’s Point of View
Our starting place focuses on seeing from a child’s point of view. I ask you to observe various behaviors in your children in order to see fundamental principles of child development.
For example, we consider the child’s love of the adults, the child’s attachment to the environment, the child’s sense of becoming, sensitive periods, the four planes of development and more. Our starting place focuses on seeing from a child’s point of view.
Week 1
- Introduction: About You and Your Child – What Do You Want To Learn?
- Activity 1: The Child’s Natural Love Of The Adult
- Activity 2: The Child’s Love Of Place
- Activity 3: The Child Is Always Becoming
- Activity 4: The Child Has Time-Sensitive Opportunities For Growth
- Parent Toolbox: Avoid Discouragement, Apologize
Week 2
- Activity 1: The Child’s Actions Are Development Driven
- Activity 2: Children Seek To Create A Flow Of Activity
- Activity 3: Imagination In The Young Child
- Activity 4: Using A Child’s Positive Psychology
- Activity 5: The Child’s Love Of Nature
- Activity 6: The Spiritual Role Of Family
- Parent Toolbox: Be Friendly With Error
Week 3: Busting Montessori Myths
In this session, I’ll bust some Montessori myths to help you see more clearly what Montessori education is and isn’t.
- Activity 1:Defining Montessori
- Activity 2: MYTH Montessori Kids Do Whatever They Want
- Activity 3: MYTH Montessori Schools Are Only For Rich Or Smart kids
- Activity 4: MYTH Montessori Classrooms Are Too Structured/Unstructured
- Activity 5: MYTH Montessori Schools Don’t Allow For Play
- Activity 6: MYTH Montessori Schools Don’t Allow For Creativity
- Parent Toolbox: Using Positive Statements
Week 4: Why Does The Montessori Method Work?
Now the stage is set to look at why the Montessori method works by explaining key Montessori principles.
- Activity 1: The Four Planes Of Development
- Activity 2: Human Tendencies
- Activity 3: Pedagogical Principles
- Activity 4: The Prepared Environment
- Activity 5: Three-Hour Work Cycle
- Activity 6: Concentration and Independence
- Activity 7: Free Choice and More
- Parent Toolbox: Any Unnecessary Help Is A Hindrance to Development
Week 5: Montessori Principles–More Than Teaching
In this session we’ll bring together how Montessori principles support children’s development from birth through adulthood.
- Activity 1: Developing Trust and Respect Through Teaching
- Activity 2: Montessori Principles Create An Action Plan
- Activity 3: Tried and True Teaching Principles
- Activity 4: Part Two–Tried and True Teaching Principles
- Activity 5: Part Three–Tried and True Teaching Principles
- Parent Toolbox: Help Me Help My Self
Week 6: Assuring Success
In this week’s activity segments, I’ll show you key ways to make sure Montessori schooling works for your family.
- Activity 1: Free Choice
- Activity 2: Defining Freedom
- Activity 3: Seeing The Big Picture
- Activity 4: Problem Solving
- Parent Toolbox: Learning To Make Choices
- Program Summary
- Attendance Certificate Request
And more parent comments…
“I absolutely loved this program. I really felt that I learned a lot – practical things that will really help as I interact with my daughter. I also enjoyed how easy it was to interact with the content. When I found myself with just a few minutes, I could download a session or two on my phone – or when I had more time, I could browse through an entire week on my computer.”
“Thanks for asking us “What do you want to learn?” I think these questions are so important for a parent to answer.”
“Enjoyed every segment, re-enforced our belief in the Montessori program.”
“I like the personal story and appreciate the brevity…makes me want more, actually, because I did not feel bogged down by a lengthy ‘lesson’ or lecture.”