Good Habits That Last

How To Cultivate Good Habits That Last 

(And Conquer Bad Ones)

This course is the “missing link” between where you are now, and where you’d like to be. 

In it, you’ll discover the complete system for conquering your bad habits and building great habits that work for you.

You’ll have an easy-to-follow blueprint you can use for the rest of your life. Use it to build any habit in any area of your life you want to improve – whether it’s your health, your relationships, or even your finances. 

Because the principles of building good habits you’ll learn will work in any context of your life.. 

In Good Habits That Last, you’ll discover:

  • How to do a “habit audit” so you can become aware of self-sabotaging behaviors you couldn’t see before…
  • How to “unravel” those bad habits, in three simple steps…
  • How to “troubleshoot” a bad habit that tries to come back, so you can quickly get yourself back on track to achieving your goals…
  • How to add in good habits, including a way to exponentially increase your chances making that habit stick
  • How to use the Maui Habit Technique to feel amazing each and every morning (this is a great way to get started on your habit-building journey)…
  • The #1 secret to building good habits for life…  
  • How to build a support network that will help make the habit building process even easier… 
  • And much, much more!

When you join Good Habits That Last, you’ll have a complete A-Z system for bridging the “habit gap” from where you are now and where you want to be.