The Art of Decision Making

How do you make a decision? Do you have a process? Do you go with your gut? Make a pros and cons list?

We make hundreds of decisions each and every day, yet despite all of that practice, many of us do not make very good ones!

We might have trouble seeing all of the options, we might let emotions cloud our judgment, we might feel overconfident about what the future holds, or we might just be tired of thinking.

Many of us are bad at making decisions, and many of us are overwhelmed by how many decisions we have to make. This course helps you make better — and fewer — decisions. 

The first two modules are about making better decisions. 

In Module 1, you’ll make wider decisions by learning how to think more creatively about your options and incorporate your emotions into the decision-making process.

In Module 2, you’ll make humble decisions by learning how to uncover and eliminate your biases and plan for an unpredictable future.

In Module 3, you’ll learn about reducing the mental load of daily decisions. You’ll learn how to make fewer decisions so you’ll have the energy and focus you need for the most important decisions.