It’s here! To help you with storytelling, Montessori style.
Michael Dorer’s new book, The Deep Well Of Time: The Transformative Power of Storytelling in the Classroom.
This summer I was lucky enough to preview an advanced copy and I loved Michael’s stories.
How I wish this resource had been available when I was in the classroom.
This book is full of stories that will help you spark the imagination of children.
Michael explains the essential steps to telling a memorable story and then shares over forty-five of his own.
The book itself is a delight. Printed on quality paper with colored illustrations of Montessori materials to aid storytelling, the book is a joy to open and hold.
If you are a Montessori teacher, this book is an essential resource.
Enjoy reading and using The Deep Well of Time.
All the best,

The Transformative Power of Storytelling in the Classroom.
From Parent Child Press: A division of Montessori Services
$24.95 plus shipping