Category Archive:
For School Leaders

FREE WEBINAR | Want To Be A Better Observer?

Becoming a better observer

Observation is the skill to help you become more effective. Please join me for this free 20-minute instant webinar, How To Become A Better Observer…The Montessori Way. In this information-packed session you’ll find out… Also, you’ll receive a special bonus gift. Plus, you’ll be able to ask me questions for a personal reply. This instant […]

Some Help For Summer Planning

making lemonade out of lemons

It’s summertime! For me, summertime means the luxury to think and plan. Set me up with a glass of ice tea on the porch, my yellow note pad, and a blue ink pen and I’m ready to plan how to make the next year better. To help you with your planning, I’ve put together a […]

Kids Talk Workshops Are Open!

Montessori Professional Development

Earlier this year I reopened one of my Kids Talk Workshops, Unscramble Spelling, after revamping it. I was curious to see if there would be any interest in the course, as it had been closed for over two years.  The response was favorable, so I’ve revamped three other courses, just in time to help out for […]

FREE WEBINAR | What About Kindergarten? A Montessori Perspective

What about kindergarten?

It’s a perennial problem for Montessori schools. How can we show parents the importance of the third year of our programs for children 3 to 6 years old? Because the third year in a Montessori program is truly a leap year! This is a session that you will want to let all of your school […]

FREE TRAINING | Managing Oneself

Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker

As much as people say, “That person is a born leader,” the fact remains that we can learn to become a leader. I’d like to invite you to join a six-week complimentary email course, Managing Oneself, to learn how to be a better leader. Too often the terms leadership and management are used interchangeably.  Leadership […]

Establishing Purpose

Over the last two posts, we’ve been looking at three key skills that can help us build strong school communities:   Establishing purpose. Daniel Coyle in his book, Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, tells us that continuously answering two key questions helps us establish purpose in our organizations:   As school leaders we may think that […]

Sharing Vulnerability

As we work to build strong school communities, communities of care and service, there are three key skills that can help us:    Build safety.  When we create a safe environment, people connect, create bonds of belonging, and forge a group identify.  Share vulnerability.  We express our organization’s true needs with clarity and urgency.  Doing this allows others to […]

Safety First

What makes a group highly successful? Daniel Coyle in his book, Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, tells us that there are three key skills that leaders use to build cohesive, high functioning organizations.  The first is to build safety.  When we create a safe environment, people connect and create bonds of belonging along with […]

BOOK | Peace, Love, Action!

Peace, Love, Action!

August 28, 1963. The evening news showed Martin Luther King, Jr. giving his now famous I Have a Dream speech. As an almost eight-year-old, I listened, sensing the underlying truth of what he was saying. The next day’s newspaper carried the full text and I read it out loud to my mother, asking for clarification […]

Why You Should Pay Your Child’s School Tuition

(even if your school is closed) Over the past couple of weeks with school closures due to the COVID-19 emergency, school leaders and parents have voiced concerns to me about school tuition.  “Several families have requested tuition refunds since we are closed and not offering our contracted services,” said one head of school. “Why should […]