Category Archive:
Great parenting tips

FREE WEBINAR | Planning For Summer Fun

Planning For Summer Fun

Are you concerned about having enough activities to fill up the entire summer? At home and at school? In this instant webinar, Planning For Summer Fun… Parent or teacher you’ll learn: All in under 15 minutes! Plus you’ll get an action guide to help you put it all together. Sign up below and you’ll go […]

FREE WEBINAR | Building Strong Family Relationships

Building Strong Family Relationships

What I have learned is that strong relationships that last a lifetime don’t just “happen”. Strong relationships require intentional work. If building relationships were easy, we’d have very few regrets in our lives. Building relationships is messy work. In this webinar, you’ll learn three ways to build strong relationships every day. You’ll also find out […]

Expert Montessori Tips

Expert Montessori Tips

I’m pleased to let you know that has added a lengthy piece into their advice section about using Montessori in your home. Contributions from fourteen Montessorians (me, too!) are included in this article entitled, Adapting Your Home and Life to a Montessori Lifestyle, Tips from the Experts.

BOOK | Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents

Understanding Montessori Second Edition

What is Montessori Education? Montessori education more than anything is about understanding and aiding the natural process of child growth and learning. The principles, methods, and materials used in Montessori education for over a hundred years are scientifically supported, researched and time-tested, plus based on common sense. Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents seeks to […]



As I’ve been cleaning up files on my computer I came across a refrigerator reminder about what to do when you are bored. My mother used to tell us when we came to her saying, I’m bored: Go sweep the porch. It was amazing how quickly we found something much more fun to do. That […]

BOOK | Peace, Love, Action!

Peace, Love, Action!

August 28, 1963. The evening news showed Martin Luther King, Jr. giving his now famous I Have a Dream speech. As an almost eight-year-old, I listened, sensing the underlying truth of what he was saying. The next day’s newspaper carried the full text and I read it out loud to my mother, asking for clarification […]

Healthy Tips

don't snooze you lose

Back in 2013 I wrote a series of articles about low-cost or no-cost health tips. I thought it was time to dust them off and send them out again. The information I shared then is as pertinent as ever. Enjoy the Kids Talk Health Series. Simply click on the title or picture to go to […]

Want Some Additional Parenting Tools?

create a relationship toolbox

With so many of us at home 24/7 with our children right now, it’s not surprising to have moments (days?) where we wish we had a little more experience in dealing with the day-to-day issues of working with our children. If you feel that a few more tools to add to your parenting toolbelt might […]

Articles for the Holidays

best gift for our children

Here are some Kids Talk articles that might be helpful for the holidays: Gimmee! Gimmee! ‘Tis the season to be jolly. If only our over-demanding children would stop with the demands for this and that, and this again. For a second, try to see the world from your child’s point of view and you might […]

What Kind Of Busy Are You?

What kind of busy are you?

What kind of busy are you? Seth Godin wrote in his blog that there are two kinds of busy: “When I’m giving a speech, I don’t have the ability to squeeze in a phone call, think about what’s for dinner or plan tomorrow’s meeting. I’m doing one thing, and it’s taking everything I’ve got. So […]