For Martin Luther King Day 2017
I dream of a world where every person sees their own greatness and reaches for the vision they have for themselves.
I dream of a world where each parent gives power to their children’s dreams and has faith in their children’s journey.
I dream of a world where deep abiding love doesn’t create the path for others, but lights a path.
I dream of a world where every child is born into a family that loves and nurtures him or her; a world where each person is respected and cherished.
I dream of a world where our lives are fueled by our imaginations and not by our histories.
I dream of a world where each child is given the keys to learning.
I dream of a world where children are given a vision of the universe.
I dream of a world where each of us can marvel at the big picture and understand how important each of us is to the whole of the universe.
I dream of a world where education helps children, and all of us, find our passion in life.
I dream of a world where each of us discovers our vocation in the place where our passion and the needs of the world intersect.
I dream of a world where supporting the development of caring, compassionate and cooperative adults is a priority.
I dream of a world where respect for human life creates a bridge of communication for all peoples.
I dream of a world where we learn to be healthy instead of waiting to be healed.
I dream of a world. I dream.
I’ll second that ! <3 : )
Thanks, ladies!
Really beautifully spoken; and thought-provoking about what I dream …
Inspiring!!! Very beautifully expressed.
Maren, thank you for the lovely and timely message. Aloha, Alison
Maren, Thanks for putting into words our heart-felt dream…Imagine