12 Tips for a Healthier Brain

12 tips for a healthier brain

John Medina, affiliate professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine, gives us 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home and play in his book, Brain Rules. While imparting a peer-reviewed summary of current brain research, Medina entertains us with ”the rules.” Rule #1: Exercise boosts brainpower. Movement helps our […]

A Whole New Mind

whole new mind

Daniel Pink in his book, A Whole New Mind, tells us the world is changing and that our brains need to change, too. Pink sees the world becoming geared more towards creative endeavors in order to maintain our economic system. Our work and behavior will need to draw on the creative side, or right side […]

Left Brain + Right Brain = Whole Brain

left brain right brain whole brain

Over the past 30 years, researchers have made great inroads into inner space, trying to figure out how our brains work. Scientists know that certain parts of the brain control specific brain and body functions. Two hemispheres form the basic structure of the brain, connected by a bundle of neurons called the corpus callosum. Between […]

Oxygen for Brain Development

oxygen for brain development

Sometimes a simple and effective solution is right in front of us. Our bodies are 65 percent water. Our brains are 75 percent water. Water, H2O, is made from two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Our brain needs oxygen and water for optimum brain functioning. To help our brains be their best, what […]

Every Brain Is Unique

Every Brain Is Unique

We say that every snowflake is unique. We also say that every person is unique. We need to start walking our talk. Every person is born to a unique set of circumstances, time, place, family, natural affinities, intrinsic motivations, attraction to objects, activities and people in our environments. Fifty factors in different combinations would give […]