Leading Towards Civility

Leading towards civility

In our series on teaching civility, we’ve considered that there are key questions we need to keep in the air every day. :  Who do I want to be? As a community, there are key questions to address: We’ve looked at personal strategies to deal with incivility: There are high costs to incivility: You’ve learned how to calculate your […]

The High Costs Of Incivility

The High Cost of Incivility

One of the dangers of dealing with incivility is like the proverbial frog in a pot of boiling water.  If a frog jumps into boiling water, he’ll jump right out.  Light the fire after the frog is in the pot, and he stays until it is too late. With incivility we run the risk of […]

Dealing With Incivility

Dealing With Incivility

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This nursery rhyme from the 1830’s, created to help children develop self-control in the face of taunting, sets us up to think we have to accept incivility. From an early age, we are told to “toughen up” and ignore others’ insults and […]

What Is Civility?

What is civility?

A Washington Post article offers a startling statistic: 71% of employees are looking for new jobs. The main reason for their job dissatisfaction is employees don’t feel appreciated on the job in two basic way, recognition and compensation. The key word, here is, I think, “appreciated”. Christine Porath, in Mastering Civility: A Manifesto For The Workplace, tells us how incivility […]

What The World Needs Now

What the world needs now

The news events of the past few years, with an overwhelming arc of meanness, disrespect and disregard for others, fractures my heart.  What has happened to common courtesy? Civility? Kindness and respect? What are our children learning from this mean-spirited time? How can we magnify kindness and respect in both children and adults? In this […]

Teaching Civility | Articles To Share

Teaching Civility

Here is a list of Kids Talk articles that might help you in your work of teaching civility. Click on the titles to read the entire article.  Asking Permission For many of us it is easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. If you really want to do something, why risk being told ”no”? […]

The Breakfast Pledge

The Breakfast Pledge

Last year in my For School Leaders newsletters I focused on teaching civility. With this series on teaching civility, I drew heavily from Christine Porath’s book, Mastering Civility: A manifesto for the workplace, as well as other sources. Teaching civility, the grace and courtesy lessons we offer in our Montessori classrooms find renewed importance. Who do I want to […]

Four Keys to Raising a Self-Disciplined Child

four keys to raising a self disciplined child

Do you dream of having a child who is self-composed, articulate and respectful of others, young or old? In our children’s pre-verbal days it seems like those attributes may be impossible, but there are some teaching tools you can use to help your child have the self-discipline to live a peaceful life as a toddler […]

Ten Little Words

ten little words

As soon as my southern drawl is detected, I am usually greeted with something like, ”Aren’t you from the South?  Southerners are so polite.”  Folks from all over the world marvel at our use of “yes, ma’am” and “no, sir”. My imagination is not large enough to consider growing up and not saying “yes, ma’am”.  […]

Misbehavior Meets Needs

misbehavior meets needs

Misbehavior. That’s when you don’t act the way I want you to when I want you to. But what about when I do what I want when I want to do it? Some might call it personal prerogative. Others might say it’s a double standard. One of the interesting aspects of human behavior is that […]