The Thanksgiving Reader

The Thanksgiving Reader

I’m thankful to be thankful! The miracle that is our world, our lives and our stories asks to be shared. Seth Godin shared a downloadable booklet, The Thanksgiving Reader, to contribute to our thankfulness for friends and family this holiday season. Download it, print it out, and share these wonderful thoughts and stories. Add your […]

An Attitude of Gratitude

attitude of gratitude

“What do you see?” our communications professor asked as he held up a black and white ink drawing. “A beautiful Gibson-style girl with a feather in her hat.” “No, it’s an old hag with a witch’s nose and a scarf tied over her head.” As we discussed this picture, most of the class could shift […]

Cultivating An Attitude of Gratitude

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

How can we cultivate gratitude in ourselves and others?  A few years ago a friend of mine with young children asked my advice about how to help her children appreciate the good life they had, a life full of love and comfort. She told me that when she looked at the ads of children in […]