Think Big With Montessori Education

Think Big with Montessori Education

It was a quiet September morning, sitting around drinking coffee.  We were on vacation with friends and talking about what to do for the day. Then an email came in announcing that Jeff Bezos was investing $2 Billion for free Montessori-inspired preschools.  All plans for the day were put on hold. The game began. The […]

Expert Montessori Tips

Expert Montessori Tips

I’m pleased to let you know that has added a lengthy piece into their advice section about using Montessori in your home. Contributions from fourteen Montessorians (me, too!) are included in this article entitled, Adapting Your Home and Life to a Montessori Lifestyle, Tips from the Experts.

BOOK | Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents

Understanding Montessori Second Edition

What is Montessori Education? Montessori education more than anything is about understanding and aiding the natural process of child growth and learning. The principles, methods, and materials used in Montessori education for over a hundred years are scientifically supported, researched and time-tested, plus based on common sense. Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents seeks to […]

BOOK REVIEW | Hatching The Cosmic Egg

Nested Cosmic Egg

“Since it has been seen to be necessary to give so much to the child, let us give him a vision of the whole universe. The universe is an imposing reality, and an answer to all questions.” Dr. Maria Montessori To Educate The Human Potential, page 5 Everything is perfect. As we flew cross-country in […]

BOOK | Understanding Montessori

Cover Understanding Montessori

Ten years ago I wrote and published Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents. Over the years I wanted to do an update, but there was always another project that called.  But this summer I went to work on the second edition and am now pleased to let you know about it.  The paperback and ebook have […]

The Art Of Observation

The Art Of Observation

One of the key principles of Montessori philosophy is observing the child involved in a self-selected activity, which Dr. Montessori referred to as “work.” To observe, we should make sure that the children we are observing have something interesting and meaningful to do.  Plus, we need to target specific behaviors.  Montessori teachers are trained to […]

Asking Permission

asking permission

For many of us it is easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. If you really want to do something, why risk being told ”no”? Why endure the hassle of trying to sell your point? Why listen to pessimists who say that what you want to do can’t be done? Why take the time […]

Understanding Self-Discipline

understanding self-discipline

It has been said that the only true discipline is self-discipline. With self-discipline we take ownership of our own behavior. We take responsibility for our lives. As we discipline our children we might consider that our goals should include these objectives of helping our children take ownership of their behavior and responsibility for their lives. […]

Asking For Assistance

asking assistance

Can you help me, please? These five words seem to be hard for many people to say. In airport check-in lines, at fast food restaurants, or in grocery stores, we may react negatively when someone neglects to ask, “May I help you, please?” But at those times when we feel that no one is trying […]

Leave It Ready For The Next Person

montessori newsletter

Sustainability seems to be a current buzzword. Product labels proclaim sustainability. Clothing is sustainable. Tuna is sustainable. New construction is sustainable. Marketing types seem to be playing upon our ecological concerns of making sure we don’t run out of resources, that we aren’t unwittingly spending our grandchildren’s inheritance. When I opened my first Montessori classroom, […]