Lynette Goss

Thank you for providing workshops and articles about the Montessori approach. The tools your website provides have made me a better parent and teacher. They remind me and give me great ideas that I have used time and again at home and at school. I am so thankful to have Kids Talk as an asset […]

Norma Morris

Hats off to you, Maren, for making the Montessori philosophy come alive for parents and refreshed for teachers, and administrators. I have enjoyed every session and look forward to making the programs available for my staff and school community as pre-training, orientation, and parent education. Thanks for a light hearted and fun learning opportunity that brings great value to the Montessori […]

Pamela Green

Thank you, Maren, for all of your wisdom, kind guidance, and support given to Montessori children, teachers, and their families. Your online course is full of information about Maria Montessori and her teachings, and you share this in a way that creates relationship with those taking the course….with you guiding the way.