A newsletter from the Core Knowledge Foundation introduced me to the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. Going to the octopus’ website I found photos of the red octopus in a tree. The red octopus is usually found in the ocean off the coasts of Oregon and Washington.
But here was an explanation that the now land-lubbing octopus had adapted to the moist rain forest conditions of the Olympic Peninsula. The site is ”supported” by the Kelvenic University and the Wild Haggis Conservation Society.
All but one of the 25 seventh graders in a research project found the site ”very credible” when using a rubric to evaluate the believability of the site. When told that the site was a hoax, students struggled to find clues that showed the site, as well as the organizations supporting the site, was a joke. Some of the students insisted that the site was based on verifiable facts and that the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus was real.
The push for 21st century skills of analysis, critical thinking and cooperative learning may falter if a corresponding push for content knowledge does not accompany the analysis of data. As Sherlock Holmes might say, ”Elementary, my dear Watson. Elementary.”
This study used the RADCAB evaluation tool to test the veracity of the octopus site. RADCAB is a trademarked evaluation tool that stands for Relevance, Appropriateness, Detail, Currency, Authority and Bias.
The site, if you have some knowledge of octopi, and perhaps Homer’s Odyssey or Scottish victuals, is quite a humorous read. But with weak knowledge and a focused evaluation technique, failing to spot the joke might be inevitable.
Proponents of content knowledge curriculum for children say that with facts about octopi, the Pacific Northwest and pneumatic mail tubes, among others, the website hoax would be evident.
Enthusiasts of technology tools and online information access tend to support the idea that facts are easily obtained in seconds with an online search.
Our children need an exposure to broad rich content and experiences, as well as to technology innovations that include critical thinking skills. Facts without experiences remain facts. Facts with experiences become knowledge and, eventually, wisdom.
We need to know enough to ask the right questions. If we don’t ask the right questions, then we’ll be analyzing information for no reason. We’ll be spinning our wheels while gulping gullibility.
In the meantime, keep a lookout for red, eight-armed cephalopods hanging out of trees. They may be coming to your town soon.
Great article, it clarified for me one of the reasons I don’t allow my young children to access the Internet. As a parent, it feels a huge challenge to give them the knowledge that we take for granted.
Another challenge is to not be seen using our phones, computers, etc so much that they seem so desirable. When my 6 year wishes for her own phone, I get a wake up call! At the moment, the boys at my son’s Montessori preschool regularly make laptops and cameras out of card paper…again they are valued objects.
What an interesting observation…making computers out of paper.
As my husband says, if you aren’t asking the right questions, a computer will only get you the wrong answer faster.