Are you dealing with these aspects of difficult behaviors with children?
- Parent’s denial about the behavior
- Lack of strategies on how to assist a child with difficult behaviors
- Too much time spent supervising a child
- Handling the stress and frustration of dealing with those children
- Disruption of the entire class
- Inappropriate interactions, such as hitting, yelling and tantrums
- Lack of parent follow through
- Other children perceiving the child with difficult behaviors as disrespectful
- Montessori elementary being seen as the “catch-all” of children who have had poor experiences in other school settings
If this sounds familiar…
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 27, 2018.
The Michigan Montessori Society is hosting me for an all-day workshop, Addressing Challenging Behaviors.
In Addressing Challenging Behaviors:
- You’ll hear about two resources for behavior and skills training that help parents and teachers work together for the child’s benefit.
- You’ll see a simple yet effective strategy to help you clearly communicate expectations for behavior in your classrooms and school.
- You’ll learn about three communication tools that can help you create more peaceful classrooms and schools.
- Plus I’ll share with you the essential Montessori principles that must be implemented consistently throughout your school if you are to deal effectively with difficult behaviors.
- And more