Here are some Kids Talk articles that might be helpful for the holidays:

Gimmee! Gimmee!
‘Tis the season to be jolly. If only our over-demanding children would stop with the demands for this and that, and this again. For a second, try to see the world from your child’s point of view and you might see that some of the following situations help create and reinforce their whiny requests.

Real Toys for Real Kids
“What do you want for Christmas?” I remember asking my fourteen-month old. Since she could say “momma” and “dada,” I thought, for some unknown reason, she could communicate her perfect Christmas gift as we walked down the aisles of the toy store.

Be Prepared for Cousin Chaos
Holidays are times for large family gatherings. Often times family get-togethers have mild to horrible cases of cousin chaos. Cousins, who may see each other infrequently, vie for adults’ attention along with trying to figure out who’s who in the pecking order of the family. Little wonder that craziness can ensue.

Santa Claus: Making the Invisible Visible
“I’ve never gotten a present from Santa Claus,” said Iliana, my 12-year-old seatmate on an east coast flight. “My parents thought I should only be given verifiable facts. They told me there is no veracity in Santa Claus.”

For Unto Us a Child Is Born
Today we celebrate the birth of a man from Galilee. This man was born, as all of us are, as a small helpless being, dependent on the care and protection of a mother and father.

The Gifts That Keep On Giving
Do you ever worry about selecting the right gift for the special people in your life?
Let’s take a few minutes to consider gifts that are free, yet continue to give.
Here are some gifts we can give our children, and anyone we care about, that can only come from the heart.
May your holidays be filled with love and light.