In my many years of working with young children, there is one question I hear frequently from parents and teachers:
How do I get children to listen to me?
When we are confronted with tantrums, defiant behavior, or worse, it’s difficult to know what to do. But these situations are usually avoidable, or at least more easily resolved, if the child has developed the ability to listen.
A child’s hearing may be automatic, but listening and comprehending are acquired skills.
Children learn these listening skills, for better or worse, from our behaviors as parents or teachers.
So, how do you get your children to listen to you?
In this webinar you’ll learn three techniques that establish a foundation for listening in young children.
- One technique is playing certain games with children.
- Another is removing obstacles to listening at home and school.
- The third is a key relationship skill that will make your child a better listener.
Please join me for this 20-minute instant webinar where I’ll show you three games to play with children that will help them become better listeners.
In this session you’ll also learn how to do a quick survey of home and school environments to uncover obstacles to listening.
Plus you’ll discover how to build your relationship with children, so they will want to listen to you.
In this instant webinar you’ll get a gift, and you’ll be able to send me your questions for a personal reply.
I look forward to having you in this instant webinar session. See you in a jiffy!

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