Sharpen the Saw

sharpen the saw

“The adult is the most important part of a child’s environment,” my Montessori professor told us. “We need to make sure we remain healthy, well-rested and interesting people. Only then can we be of true service to the child.” “Remember this,” she continued, “when you’re tempted to stay up late to do a project for […]

From Creeping To Leaping The Kindergarten Year

What about kindergarten?

A few years ago a Montessori mother, Sarah, allowed me to use the following letter in my Understanding Montessori newsletter. The letter explains her confusion and decision about her daughter’s third year in Montessori, or the “kindergarten year”. During the past few days I’ve spoken to several Montessori parents who are struggling with this same […]

To Foster Cooperation, Give Choices

to foster cooperation give choices

Most of the conflicts we have with our preschool-age children involve getting them to do something they don’t want to do in a reasonable amount of time. Eating, getting dressed, going to bed or taking a bath may be familiar conflict areas. In parenting class, I was introduced to the idea of giving choices to […]

Chores Make Children Feel Important

chores are important

Chores make children feel important. Family is about giving us a sense of belonging. Whatever ups and downs we have in life-changes in jobs, money or health-family is where we know we can always go, and the door will be open. Strong families create powerful ties to their family and to each other through sharing […]

We Have Two Seconds To Change Behavior

two seconds to change behavior

“Look, mommy! I’m daddy!” Three-year-old Scotty opened a blue marker and scribbled on the wall as his mom, Margie, cut vegetables for dinner. Scotty had watched his dad paint the kitchen over the weekend. Now Scotty was trying to help, or so Margie surmised in the split second of disbelief and dismay as she took […]

How Do We Want To Be?

How do we want to be

Each of us has a picture in our minds of how we want our personal world to be. This vision of our perfect planet contains the people most important to us, along with favorite activities, feelings, foods, decorations, surroundings and more. Conflict arises when our vision of perfect collides with someone else’s version of perfect. […]

I Dream Of A World

I Dream Of A World

For Martin Luther King Day 2017 I dream of a world where every person sees their own greatness and reaches for the vision they have for themselves. I dream of a world where each parent gives power to their children’s dreams and has faith in their children’s journey. I dream of a world where deep […]

Asking Permission

asking permission

For many of us it is easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. If you really want to do something, why risk being told ”no”? Why endure the hassle of trying to sell your point? Why listen to pessimists who say that what you want to do can’t be done? Why take the time […]

In The Pits?

in the pits?

”If life is a bowl of cherries, why am I in the pits?” Erma Bombeck knew how to see the humor in day-to-day reality. Maintaining a positive and forward-moving life is a challenge to say the least. Life has a way of helping us misplace our senses of humor in a hurry. Some days the […]

How To Use Open-Ended Questions

open ended question

As adults we are the most significant part of a child’s environment. Whether we are aware of it or not, our words, concerns and emotions are reflected into our children’s world and absorbed at an unconscious level by the child. We need to choose our words carefully and frame our questions even more so. Inadvertently […]