BOOK | The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

One of the things I’ve missed the past two years of covid isolation is not going to the bookstore and poking around. As long as I can remember, going to a bookstore and walking up and down the aisles, looking for a title that might catch my eye, has been one of my favorite pastimes.  […]

READ ALONG | A Return To Love

Over the past two years of dealing with pandemic isolation, I’ve done a lot of thinking and reading.  When I asked myself what were the five most important books (outside of The Bible) I’ve read and truly incorporated into my life, here’s the list: At the beginning of 2020 I decided to reread A Course […]

Choosing Love

Choose Love

For the most part, I don’t like to think in dichotomies. Yes, some issues are black and white. Usually I see a lot of gray in between. What I’ve been fortunate enough to experience for many years is a fundamental human decision that is clearly divided. This decision is either/or. There is no in-between. Every […]

Survey Results from our Kids Talk Community

Indefatigable Spirit

In mid-May I sent a two question survey out to our Kids Talk Community to help me understand the many challenges with children that parents, teachers and school administrators find themselves right now.  As of June 6, I’ve received 205 responses that reflect about 5% of Kids Talk subscribers.  Here’s what you told me: Your […]

Establishing Purpose

Over the last two posts, we’ve been looking at three key skills that can help us build strong school communities:   Establishing purpose. Daniel Coyle in his book, Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, tells us that continuously answering two key questions helps us establish purpose in our organizations:   As school leaders we may think that […]

Sharing Vulnerability

As we work to build strong school communities, communities of care and service, there are three key skills that can help us:    Build safety.  When we create a safe environment, people connect, create bonds of belonging, and forge a group identify.  Share vulnerability.  We express our organization’s true needs with clarity and urgency.  Doing this allows others to […]

Safety First

What makes a group highly successful? Daniel Coyle in his book, Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, tells us that there are three key skills that leaders use to build cohesive, high functioning organizations.  The first is to build safety.  When we create a safe environment, people connect and create bonds of belonging along with […]

Childhood Potential Conference

Childhood Potential Conference

I wanted to share a FREE ticket to an online Montessori conference with you. Interested? Go on reading! What is it? The Childhood Potential online Montessori conference: a fourth edition of free, online conference taking place during 5 days starting on May 4th, 2022. What is it about? Almost 50 world-class Montessori speakers and Early […]

BOOK | Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents

Understanding Montessori Second Edition

What is Montessori Education? Montessori education more than anything is about understanding and aiding the natural process of child growth and learning. The principles, methods, and materials used in Montessori education for over a hundred years are scientifically supported, researched and time-tested, plus based on common sense. Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents seeks to […]

How Learning Takes Place

How Learning Takes Place

In this Kids Talk Series, Exponential Education, we consider how learning takes place. Does our current educational system meet the reality of how our children actually learn? Read the Exponential Education Series to help spark discussion within your family and community. Kids Talk Exponential Education Series Towards The New Education Every Brain Is Unique Learning […]