Research shows that to master a subject requires 10,000 hours of concentrated practice. At 40 hours per week, 50 weeks a year, we’d need 5 years to become a master. Ratchet that time down to 20 hours per week and we are looking at 10 years. Ten hours a week of practice, we’ll need 20 […]
Category Archive:
Every Brain Is Unique
We say that every snowflake is unique. We also say that every person is unique. We need to start walking our talk. Every person is born to a unique set of circumstances, time, place, family, natural affinities, intrinsic motivations, attraction to objects, activities and people in our environments. Fifty factors in different combinations would give […]
Towards the New Education
Exponential Education: Releasing Human Potential Remember that moment playing tic-tac-toe when you discovered if you were the first one to mark a square, you could beat your opponent? If you always won, what was the fun of that? It was on to bigger and better games. In the movie, War Games, a computer designed to […]
How Not To Be Your Child’s ATM
The choices we make with our money can help change the world. ~Nathan Dungan, President and Founder of Share, Save, Spend Guess what the number one stressor is in our families today? It doesn’t take a wild guess. Financial decisions create the most pressure in our homes right now. The economic changes in the past […]
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
”For whatever reasons my eight-year-old, Eric, is critical of everything his younger siblings do. Eric tells his sister that her coloring stinks. He tells his brother that his handwriting is messy. Last night Eric burst into tears because the peas touched his mashed potatoes. Nothing seems to make him happy right now,” Michael told me. […]
Teaching the Three R’s
Reading. Writing. Arithmetic. These are the basic academic skills. There are also three R’s that are important to our leadership abilities–Respect, Responsibility and Resourcefulness. I would like to give credit to the person who initiated this phrase, but when I did a search for these 3 R’s on the educational research data base (ERIC), I […]
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Children don’t misbehave, says Dr. Thomas Gordon, author of the best-selling book, Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T). Wait a second, you say. Whoa! Everywhere you look there are children misbehaving. Dr. Gordon says that children’s actions are judged as misbehaviors when those behaviors come into conflict with the desires of parents and other adults. What we […]
To Be a Help to Life
”No man is free who is not master of himself.” ~Epictetus A flower begins with a seed sprouting from the earth with the seed leaves coming out of the ground first. The plant grows a stalk and sends out more leaves. On the stalk or branches of the plant, small buds form and are protected […]
The Three C’s of Motivation
”The manager’s job, then, is not to motivate people to get them to achieve; instead, the manager should provide opportunities for people to achieve, so they will become motivated.”~Frederick Herzberg Charlie walked over with the teaching clock. ”I’ve learned to tell time. Do any time, and I can tell you.” Five-year-old Charlie sat down with […]
I-Messages Help Teach Expected Behavior
“Tom drives me crazy,” Caroline said as she went on and on about how upset she was with her son’s behavior. “When did you decide to let your son drive you crazy?” I asked. “What are you talking about? I’m in control of my emotions.” “I thought I heard you say Tom drives you crazy.” […]