Category Archive:
Teaching and learning principles

Build Relationships With Frequent Deposits

build relationships with frequent deposits

Relationship building is work, and our relationships and the trust in those relationships are in constant change. We maintain and deepen our relationships with regular acts of kindness, consideration, appreciation and service. Every act of building a relationship is as if we are making a deposit into a savings account. We increase our balance by […]

I and Thou

I and Thou

In the creation of successful relationships, there are two essential elements: giving and taking. In quality relationships, each party gives more than he or she takes, providing each person in the relationship a stockpile of positive experiences and memories. This abundance allows us mistakes without dire consequences during times of change and growth in a […]

Seven Traits That Destroy Lives

seven traits that destroy lives

Ever notice how a word, a phrase, a quote or a book title keeps popping up? The following Gandhi quote keeps showing up in my studies. Every time I read these seven statements I am astounded at the wisdom conveyed in so few words. Gandhi is attributed with saying that these seven characteristics are the […]

Three Gifts of the Human Being

three gifts of the human being

From birth we are given at least three gifts to create positive change in our lives. When these gifts are nurtured, we can become the creative force in our own lives. The gifts allow us to become the writer, the director and the actor in the production called ”Our Life.” Choice. From the beginning, choice […]

Put The Big Stuff In First

put in the big stuff first

An Ukrainian folktale called The Mitten relates the story of a lost mitten and a bear. The children in my class enjoyed this story, and they even turned it into a play. There are various versions of this story, and one goes something like this: One day a bear takes a walk in the woods […]

Punishing with Rewards

punishing with rewards

A fishbowl full of candy sat on the third-grade teacher’s desk. ”When you’ve finished your math assignment you can choose a piece of candy,” Ms. Marsh said as she handed out worksheets. All but two of the students went to work. Tamika and Jennifer looked out the window, math sheets untouched. Tamika began her calculations […]

How to Know When Development Is Going Awry

how to know when development has gone awry

“Is my child going through a stage, or is something wrong?” is a question that runs through our minds, usually in the wee hours of the morning. We worry because the question addresses the art of being a parent, that is, knowing when to act and when to step back and watch. For the young […]

Is Your Child Getting Enough Sleep?

is your child getting enough slepp

Five-year-old Ricky had difficulty focusing in morning kindergarten session and fell asleep during the afternoon work time. After lunch Ricky would start to act “hyper,” push and hit other children on the playground. When Ricky laid down to rest, he’d be asleep in five minutes and have to be woken for three o’clock dismissal. Leaving […]

Helping Children Deal With Their Feelings

helping children deal with their feelings

“I was a wonderful parent before I had children. I was an expert on why everyone else was having problems with theirs. Then I had three of my own.” So begins the book, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Faber and Mazlish […]

Every Day A Little Play

everyday a little play

Tempers were short. Especially mine. The girls had been sick and cranky. It had rained for several days. We were moving to a new town. My husband had been gone for 10 days. Real estate showings interrupted nap and dinner times. There were boxes to pack. Everything seemed so serious. A friend from our Active […]