Understanding How Learning Takes Place

understanding how learning takes place

In our model of exponential education, our methods of teaching and learning will be scientific in approach and execution. We’ll understand how children learn, and we will teach using principles, methods and techniques based on observable ways that children and adults learn best. Our schools will focus on helping children and adults have the tools […]

A New Grading System

a new grading system

In our education for a new world, we learn to respect and honor the uniqueness of our children, while giving students, teachers and parents the time to learn and forge partnerships. In this new system, children possess a set of age-appropriate tools to organize thoughts and actions, to problem solve, to foster self-expression and to […]

Students Need Learning Tools

students need learning tools

As human beings, the problem solvers, we need learning tools that will help us organize our thinking and actions, tools that help us with self-expression, tools that help us learn to problem solve while digging out facts and tools that help us prepare for performance of our goals and objectives. In our current educational system, […]

Learning Requires Deep Time

getting ready for preschool

Research shows that to master a subject requires 10,000 hours of concentrated practice. At 40 hours per week, 50 weeks a year, we’d need 5 years to become a master. Ratchet that time down to 20 hours per week and we are looking at 10 years. Ten hours a week of practice, we’ll need 20 […]

Every Brain Is Unique

Every Brain Is Unique

We say that every snowflake is unique. We also say that every person is unique. We need to start walking our talk. Every person is born to a unique set of circumstances, time, place, family, natural affinities, intrinsic motivations, attraction to objects, activities and people in our environments. Fifty factors in different combinations would give […]

Towards the New Education

towards the new education

Exponential Education: Releasing Human Potential Remember that moment playing tic-tac-toe when you discovered if you were the first one to mark a square, you could beat your opponent? If you always won, what was the fun of that? It was on to bigger and better games. In the movie, War Games, a computer designed to […]

When Nuthin’ Goes Right for Nobody

when nuthin goes right for nobody

Ever have those frazzled times with the kids? And spouse? Where everyone seems irritable? Where each family member appears to be a nemesis to each other’s happiness? Ever have a day, a week or more when nuthin’ went right for nobody? Sometimes when our family is in a tizzy and a funk, a solution seems […]

How Not To Be Your Child’s ATM

how not to be your child's atm

The choices we make with our money can help change the world. ~Nathan Dungan, President and Founder of Share, Save, Spend Guess what the number one stressor is in our families today? It doesn’t take a wild guess. Financial decisions create the most pressure in our homes right now. The economic changes in the past […]

Know Your Children By Their Likes and Dislikes

know your children by their likes

What’s your child’s favorite food? Color? Outfit? What does your child dislike? Preferences give important insights into our personalities. For the child who is agreeable in most situations, we have smooth sailing. The child who expresses strong preferences, though, can push us to the limits of our patience. How long can we listen to…I don’t […]

The Happy Song

happy song

”I don’t feeeel good,” was the daily lament from one of my four-year-old students. Whatever ways we tried to distract Zoe and get her mind off her problems and into some fun learning, Zoe chose to sit and complain about vague physical ailments. Verifying with her parents that Zoe didn’t have any pathological reasons for […]