FREE WEBINAR | Building Strong Family Relationships

Building Strong Family Relationships

What I have learned is that strong relationships that last a lifetime don’t just “happen”. Strong relationships require intentional work. If building relationships were easy, we’d have very few regrets in our lives. Building relationships is messy work. In this webinar, you’ll learn three ways to build strong relationships every day. You’ll also find out […]

NEW | The Art of Decision Making

We all face thousands of choices every day, both big and small. Often, we don’t even notice that we’re making a choice.  But at other times, making decisions is a constant struggle filled with uncertainty and regret. Caught in a whirlwind of pros and cons, it’s all too easy to get stuck, endlessly turning options […]

NEW | The Power of Listening

Inside this new course, you’ll get the entire step-by-step process to get good at listening – FAST. You’ll find out exactly what good listening is (and is not)… how to understand someone’s full communication… how to reach an important agreement… tools for highly-emotional conversations… specific skills for business and negotiation… and more… With The Power […]

NEW | Becoming A Leader

I’m excited to announce a new course, Becoming A Leader, the first in our Leadership Essentials series. With the Becoming a Leader course, you’ll discover: When you join Becoming A Leader, you’ll learn key characteristics and qualities you’ll need to develop to effectively lead any group of people. The course contains everything you need to know to […]

Think Big With Montessori Education

Think Big with Montessori Education

It was a quiet September morning, sitting around drinking coffee.  We were on vacation with friends and talking about what to do for the day. Then an email came in announcing that Jeff Bezos was investing $2 Billion for free Montessori-inspired preschools.  All plans for the day were put on hold. The game began. The […]

FREE TRAINING | Managing Oneself

Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker

As much as people say, “That person is a born leader,” the fact remains that we can learn to become a leader. I’d like to invite you to join a six-week complimentary email course, Managing Oneself, to learn how to be a better leader. Too often the terms leadership and management are used interchangeably.  Leadership […]

BOOK | Food Fix


Over the past few years, I keep reading health statistics that concern me deeply. “Why?” is an important question for me to ask.  Contemplating those figures, a bright future for our children, or any of us, seems against the odds. Dr. Mark Hyman dove into the issue of our poor health and put his findings […]

READ ALONG | A Return To Love

Over the past two years of dealing with pandemic isolation, I’ve done a lot of thinking and reading.  When I asked myself what were the five most important books (outside of The Bible) I’ve read and truly incorporated into my life, here’s the list: At the beginning of 2020 I decided to reread A Course […]

Creating A Culture That Is Friendly To Error

Create a culture friendly to error

Life is full of mistakes!  Unfortunately, most of us don’t like to admit when we’ve made a mistake.  After a choice I wish I hadn’t made, I’m usually ready to learn from the mistake and move on.  Enough said!  But…in our schools we need to create a feedback loop that encourages others to speak up […]

Planning Meetings With A Purpose

Planning Meetings That Matter

Have you been in a meeting where you squirmed in your seat and thought, “Why am I here?” Right!  Who hasn’t?  Painful, isn’t it? To plan meetings that matter for your next school year, ask yourself these two questions about each event: Why are we having this event? What do we want to do differently after our […]