FREE WEBINAR | Planning For Summer Fun

Planning For Summer Fun

Are you concerned about having enough activities to fill up the entire summer? At home and at school? In this instant webinar, Planning For Summer Fun… Parent or teacher you’ll learn: All in under 15 minutes! Plus you’ll get an action guide to help you put it all together. Sign up below and you’ll go […]

BOOKS | Planning For Summer Fun

Planning For Summer Fun

In my webinar, Planning For Summer Fun, I mention books to help you find and create fun activities. Here is the list. The Boy Scout Handbook 2016 The Girl Scout Handbook The Dangerous Book For Boys by Conn and Hal Iggulden The Daring Book For Girls by Andrea Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz Make A World […]

Centuries of Fun

Centuries of Fun

The group of ten-year-olds sat absorbed, thumbs moving. Each played an individual game on his cell phone. Over the past few years I keep noticing this phenomena of groups of children who elect to be connected to their electronic games when there are “live knowledge objects” previously know as “people” sitting right next to them. […]

Love Of Silence And Working Alone

love of silence

The nature of the young child following natural and normal development is one that loves silence and working alone. Until children enter into a different stage of development, around the time that they lose their first tooth, this love of silence and working alone remains. The desire to be out in the community and working […]

Teaching Forgiveness

teaching forgiveness

“Forgive and forget” is a phrase that is given as advice. As a child, I remember being upset over a transgression and yelling, “I don’t want to forgive her, and I won’t forget it!” Forgive and forget seemed to mean that I should pardon the misdeed and pretend it never happened. That, in my mind, […]

Giving Positive Directions: The Verb Game

giving positive directions

A funny thing about the mind; it takes a while for our minds to figure out how to ”don’t.” ”Don’t hit your baby brother.” The young child doesn’t have the thinking skills or experience to consider what to do instead of hitting his baby brother, much less redirect the energy and anger to a positive […]

Ask Children For What You Want

ask children for what you want

The bestselling book The Secret talks about the problem of not having a clear vision of what we want. We spend the majority of our time avoiding or getting rid of stuff in our lives that we don’t want. Wherever we place our focus, that is what grows. The more we direct our attention on […]

A Thank-You Walk

thank you walk

”I’m worried that my four- and six-year-old will be spoiled. They have such a great life–plenty of love, food, toys and money. I want them to be thankful for what they have,” Melinda said. Melinda understood that helping her children cultivate an attitude of gratitude was important to her children’s present and future happiness. Too […]

Why Don’t We Listen Better?

Helping children learn to listen

The hostess at the dinner party asked me question after question, keeping me actively engaged in conversation. The next day I realized I had done most of the talking. But I thought my new friend was the most fascinating person in the world. Why? Because she listened to me. Learning to listen with interest to […]

Children Love Quiet

children love quiet

Somehow between Madison Avenue and Hollywood, and all the places where kiddie culture is fed, we’re given the view that children are rowdy and eternally needing to be entertained. Picture a scene of children getting out from school. What do you imagine? More than likely it’s children shouting and running from the school building. Though […]