Why Can Johnny Still Not Read?

Doing some research the other day I reviewed some statistics on the literacy rate in the United States. The national literacy test is given every ten years, with the last results from 2014. These 2014 statistics are what I quote in my reading webinar.  Since the late 70’s I have been involved with adult and […]

Questions About Multilingual Children

Questions about Multilingual Children

Today in my Understanding How Children Learn To Read webinar, I received this question about teaching young multilingual children how to write and read. I seem to be getting these types of questions frequently, so I thought I’d do a blog post about it. Maren, Wondering why age 4.5 is recommended for introducing a foreign […]

On The Road To Reading

understanding how children learn to read

Car seat manufacturers announced changing their installation instructions because the reading level was too difficult for over half of their customers in the United States. How high was that reading level? A fifth grade level. As a young mother, I had a knot in my stomach when reading this kind of article, along with a […]