Before the age of six, human beings are in a unique period of learning and development. At this time in our lives, certain information is absorbed by our personalities without conscious effort. Young children learn to walk, talk and do hundreds of things without formal instruction or being aware of learning. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), […]
The Art Of Observation
One of the key principles of Montessori philosophy is observing the child involved in a self-selected activity, which Dr. Montessori referred to as “work.” To observe, we should make sure that the children we are observing have something interesting and meaningful to do. Plus, we need to target specific behaviors. Montessori teachers are trained to […]
My Black Hole Valentine
Three eight-year-old boys in my classroom created a serial story of comic strip characters. Set in another universe, each character had special super-hero qualities. Some abilities were unique. Other attributes emerged only in conjunction with the skills of associates, or the task at hand. These characters’ adventures focused on helping each other out of problems, […]
24 Top Leadership Challenges
What are your leadership challenges? These are the challenges that leaders of all types have said were their top issues. Developing managerial effectiveness Inspiring others Developing employees Leading a team Guiding change Managing internal stakeholders Succumbing to easy Shifting from me to we Feeding the action addiction Conflicts of priority Virtual team globalization Internet […]
Read The Children’s Literacy Series
Here are ten articles from my Children’s Literacy Series to help you understand the process of how children learn to read. Most reading difficulties might be avoided if we as parents and teachers knew the importance of the right kind of preparation for reading we could offer to our young children. If you have a […]
What Should Our Children Learn?
In the hubbub that is our world, where should we focus our efforts as parents and teachers? What are the most important things for our children to learn? Here is a series of articles that I hope will stimulate your thinking and generate discussion within your family and school community. Download the entire series in […]
9 Leadership Steps For Parents and Teachers
I love to watch leaders grow! It’s fun to see someone take their first steps into leadership. Leadership is a choice, a choice that more of us need to take. At home our children need parent leaders. At school, our children need teachers and administrators to offer clear direction and coaching. Here are some Kids […]
BOOK REVIEW | Why Don’t We Listen Better?
Do you have a book that you tend to go back to time and time again? Jim Petersen’s book, Why Don’t We Listen Better?, is one where I find so much inspiration. In college I majored in Organizational and Interpersonal Communication. After I graduated most people would ask, what kind of major is that? Today […]
Happy 15th!
Happy Birthday, Kids Talk! Fifteen years ago today, the first Kids Talk column ran in the Benton County Daily Record. It’s been an amazing journey, from newspaper columns, to blog posts, to online workshops and more. What an extraordinary way to meet remarkable people. Thank you for being a Kids Talk reader! All the best, […]
Centuries of Fun
The group of ten-year-olds sat absorbed, thumbs moving. Each played an individual game on his cell phone. Over the past few years I keep noticing this phenomena of groups of children who elect to be connected to their electronic games when there are “live knowledge objects” previously know as “people” sitting right next to them. […]