Category Archive:
Brain development

FREE WEBINAR | Helping Children Learn To Listen

helping children learn to listen

In my many years of working with young children, there is one question I hear frequently from parents and teachers: How do I get children to listen to me? When we are confronted with tantrums, defiant behavior, or worse, it’s difficult to know what to do. But these situations are usually avoidable, or at least […]

How Learning Takes Place

How Learning Takes Place

In this Kids Talk Series, Exponential Education, we consider how learning takes place. Does our current educational system meet the reality of how our children actually learn? Read the Exponential Education Series to help spark discussion within your family and community. Kids Talk Exponential Education Series Towards The New Education Every Brain Is Unique Learning […]

Read The Brain Series

The Brain Series

Here are some Kids Talk articles to help with understanding children’s brain development. And you might find some tips for yourself! The Kids Talk Brain Series Physical Activity Enriches Young Brains Brains Love Opportunities For Meaningful Learning The Brain Craves Clear and Precise Information  The Brain Seeks To Control Stress The Brain Learns Best With […]

Is observation important with online learning?

Is observation still important?

Since opening my observation webinar this week, I have received several questions on how is it possible to observe children in this online learning environment. One question: Is observation still relevant in these times of online / distance learning? Observation of children is more important than ever because we are in unknown territory.  We don’t […]

Read The Children’s Literacy Series

understanding how children learn to read

Here are ten articles from my Children’s Literacy Series to help you understand the process of how children learn to read. Most reading difficulties might be avoided if we as parents and teachers knew the importance of the right kind of preparation for reading we could offer to our young children. If you have a […]

Centuries of Fun

Centuries of Fun

The group of ten-year-olds sat absorbed, thumbs moving. Each played an individual game on his cell phone. Over the past few years I keep noticing this phenomena of groups of children who elect to be connected to their electronic games when there are “live knowledge objects” previously know as “people” sitting right next to them. […]



Thomas Watson of IBM fame posted one-word notices around IBM factories and offices. THINK, read the signs. When a book about IBM and Tom Watson appeared, it was no surprise that the title was Think. Think. That seems to be a word that we, too, could post around our homes, schools and office to great […]

12 Tips for a Healthier Brain

12 tips for a healthier brain

John Medina, affiliate professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine, gives us 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home and play in his book, Brain Rules. While imparting a peer-reviewed summary of current brain research, Medina entertains us with ”the rules.” Rule #1: Exercise boosts brainpower. Movement helps our […]

A Whole New Mind

whole new mind

Daniel Pink in his book, A Whole New Mind, tells us the world is changing and that our brains need to change, too. Pink sees the world becoming geared more towards creative endeavors in order to maintain our economic system. Our work and behavior will need to draw on the creative side, or right side […]

The Power To Act From Real Choice

power to act from real choice

My husband likes to stop and indulge in an Italian dessert at our local gelato shop. On any given day there may be thirty different varieties of gelato on display. New and untried flavors, such as mango/lime, are frequent. My husband usually asks to taste five or six flavors before deciding on two scoops. “How […]