Category Archive:
Brain development

Oxygen for Brain Development

oxygen for brain development

Sometimes a simple and effective solution is right in front of us. Our bodies are 65 percent water. Our brains are 75 percent water. Water, H2O, is made from two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Our brain needs oxygen and water for optimum brain functioning. To help our brains be their best, what […]

Taking Responsibility for Our Children’s Success

Taing responsibility for our children's success

Our new education needs to be exponential education to meet the exponential change on our planet. We need every person on our Earth to have opportunities to realize their potential through self-directed meaningful activity in specially designed learning environments that passionately engage children and adults. As our children develop mastery they will, in turn, create […]

Educating the Whole Person

attachment to reality

As we look towards the new education, we see that our constant testing for facts and measuring academic skills have robbed our children of rich and meaningful learning experiences. For deep learning, we need to involve the whole person–mind, body, heart, and spirit. Human potential cannot be quantified. As we study history and explore human […]

Understanding How Learning Takes Place

understanding how learning takes place

In our model of exponential education, our methods of teaching and learning will be scientific in approach and execution. We’ll understand how children learn, and we will teach using principles, methods and techniques based on observable ways that children and adults learn best. Our schools will focus on helping children and adults have the tools […]

Every Brain Is Unique

Every Brain Is Unique

We say that every snowflake is unique. We also say that every person is unique. We need to start walking our talk. Every person is born to a unique set of circumstances, time, place, family, natural affinities, intrinsic motivations, attraction to objects, activities and people in our environments. Fifty factors in different combinations would give […]

When Nuthin’ Goes Right for Nobody

when nuthin goes right for nobody

Ever have those frazzled times with the kids? And spouse? Where everyone seems irritable? Where each family member appears to be a nemesis to each other’s happiness? Ever have a day, a week or more when nuthin’ went right for nobody? Sometimes when our family is in a tizzy and a funk, a solution seems […]

In a Twitter

The most important help to life we can offer to our children is to provide opportunities to develop concentration and independence. With the development of concentration and independence, our children can take these strengths and apply them to any activity they wish to pursue. With concentration and independence a subset of other skills comes along, […]

Independence and Concentration

independence and concentration

”Concentration and distractibility are particular sensitive indicators of a variety of conditions affecting children. Highly concentrated activity suggests that the child’s finding satisfaction and challenge in a task. Distractibility suggests trouble of some kind, social, psychological or whatnot.” ~Jerome Bruner, Under Five in Britain Zach began the 18th hole of miniature golf. Twelve-year-old Zach was […]

Attention Deficit to Attention Abundance

attention deficit to attention abundance

Nine million prescriptions were written last year in the United States for school-aged children for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). In 1975 roughly 150,000 children were taking Ritalin. In 2003 about 6 million American children took Ritalin. Drugging children to get them to behave seems to be the trend. What we have learned in the […]

Creating Phonemic Awareness

creating phonemic awareness I spy game

Around age two-and-a-half to three, your child becomes aware that words are made up of individual sounds. This skill is called phonemic awareness. “Phonemic” comes from the word “phonics,” which means sounds. When you help your children become aware of the individual sounds in words, you are helping them develop a very important skill for […]