Economics For Life

beginning a conversation

People are changed not by coercion or intimidation but by example. John C. Maxwell “After you graduate from college and get a job, you’ll have more money,” my grandmother told me, “but you won’t be any happier. You’ll just have a new set of problems.” The years validate the accuracy of my grandmother’s advice. I’m […]

Shoe Leather Is Cheap

shoe leather is cheap

How can we establish a habit of fitness for our children and ourselves? May I recommend a step at a time? Hugh Gailey from Stevenson, Washington walked 100 miles per week at ninety-four years young. Mr. Gailey said, “shoe leather is cheaper than medicine and doctor’s bills. Walking is the best exercise for any age.” […]

Breaking Away

breaking away

“The finest inheritance you can give a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own two feet.”   Isadora Duncan “Don’t kiss me or hug me in public, Mom,” your child says as he or she wipes off your kiss. Affection that was freely given and accepted becomes an embarrassment […]

The Truth About Tattle Tales

tattle tales

“Don’t be a tattle tale,” Jessica told her seven-year-old son, Eric. “But, Mom, it’s not fair. Tom threw the ball over the fence. He should get in trouble,” Eric said. “Your brother will have to figure out how to get his ball back. That’s the trouble he’s in,” Jessica told Eric. “But, Mom!” Eric replied. […]

The Best Years For Learning

best years for learning

During the ages of six to twelve years, humans are in a developmental period of robust health between childhood illnesses and puberty. This healthiness supports the intellectual development of the person. During these years, we are most receptive to learning. Later, learning will require more effort and concentration. During the child’s years of great intellectual […]

Using A Sense Of Humor

sense of humor

“Knock. Knock.” “Why did the chicken cross the road?” “Why did the elephant paint its toenails red?” Answer: Because they turned six-years-old. Spend a few hours with a six or seven-year-old and you might hear a joke. Or two. If you are lucky they’ll make sense. Many times I’ve sat at a table full of […]

Beware The Age Of Rudeness

beware the age of rudeness

“Ever since Jill started first grade, she’s become louder, messier, and not as kind as she was in kindergarten. I think her first grade classroom must be the reason she is the way she is,” Jill’s mother, Paula, said. Susan, a former kindergarten and first-grade teacher, smiled. “Paula, I heard this every year. What’s happening […]

Santa Claus: Making The Invisible Visible

santa claus

“I’ve never gotten a present from Santa Claus,” said Iliana, my 12-year-old seatmate on an east coast flight. “My parents thought I should only be given verifiable facts. They told me there is no veracity in Santa Claus.” “It’s too bad that no one ever told your parents about the Secret of Santa Claus. When […]

Laugh And The World Laughs With You

laugh and the world laughs with you

Some of the good news about parenting is that you can use your sense of humor. And it may be best if you can learn to look with humor at some of the predicaments you will find yourself. The young child under the age of six years is a literal learner and doesn’t get jokes […]

Teaching the Three R’s

three r's

Reading. Writing. Arithmetic. These are the basic academic skills. There are also three R’s that are important to our leadership abilities–Respect, Responsibility and Resourcefulness. I would like to give credit to the person who initiated this phrase, but when I did a search for these 3 R’s on the educational research data base (ERIC), I […]