For Unto Us A Child Is Born

for unto us a child is born

Today we celebrate the birth of a man from Galilee. This man was born, as all of us are, as a small helpless being, dependent on the care and protection of a mother and father. This child was born in a stable on a journey decreed by a Roman emperor in order for an accurate […]

Articles for the Holidays

best gift for our children

Here are some Kids Talk articles that might be helpful for the holidays: Gimmee! Gimmee! ‘Tis the season to be jolly. If only our over-demanding children would stop with the demands for this and that, and this again. For a second, try to see the world from your child’s point of view and you might […]

My Black Hole Valentine

My Black Hole Valentine

Three eight-year-old boys in my classroom created a serial story of comic strip characters. Set in another universe, each character had special super-hero qualities.  Some abilities were unique.  Other attributes emerged only in conjunction with the skills of associates, or the task at hand. These characters’ adventures focused on helping each other out of problems, […]

I Dream Of A World

I Dream Of A World

For Martin Luther King Day 2017 I dream of a world where every person sees their own greatness and reaches for the vision they have for themselves. I dream of a world where each parent gives power to their children’s dreams and has faith in their children’s journey. I dream of a world where deep […]

Using Advent To Teach Patience

using advent to teach patience

The holiday season is officially here. For the three to seven-year-olds in our lives, the excitement and anticipation of holiday events can be excruciating. Developmentally, children of this age don’t have a solid concept of time. Today, tomorrow, next month, next year, in five days—these are abstract ideas to our youngsters. Waiting for Christmas when […]

Curing The Gimmee’s

curing the gimmees

Before I reached the checkout counter, I knew what was going to happen. Picking up a few items for dinner at our local market on a Sunday afternoon, I noticed a five-year-old boy with his grandmother, both of them looking a little worse for wear. The boy sported a Red Power Ranger suit with inflatable […]

Santa Claus: Making The Invisible Visible

santa claus

“I’ve never gotten a present from Santa Claus,” said Iliana, my 12-year-old seatmate on an east coast flight. “My parents thought I should only be given verifiable facts. They told me there is no veracity in Santa Claus.” “It’s too bad that no one ever told your parents about the Secret of Santa Claus. When […]

Kids Love Monkey Bread

kids love monkey bread

As the Christmas holidays and our winter season begin, a nice warm yummy treat to share creates fun and memories. One of my favorite activities for those cold dark afternoons of winter is to whip up a batch of Monkey Bread with my favorite group of monkeys, who affectionately call me Momma Monkey or Ms. […]

Be Prepared for Cousin Chaos

be prepared for cousin chaos

Holidays are times for large family gatherings. Often times family get-togethers have mild to horrible cases of cousin chaos. Cousins, who may see each other infrequently, vie for adults’ attention along with trying to figure out who’s who in the pecking order of the family. Little wonder that craziness can ensue. More than once, my […]