Category Archive:
Children’s basic needs

Finding Seeds Of Appreciation

finding seeds of appreciation

In our worst traits lay the seeds of our best traits. In those moments when we criticize behavior, we have an opportunity. If we take the time to shift our perception and look for the positive in the situation, we will find a quality to appreciate. In those moments when we might be critical, we […]

Understanding Your Child’s Artwork

understanding your child's artwork

A visitor gushed over my four-year-old daughter’s new and quite abstract painting on our refrigerator. “Oh, what a beautiful painting. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” I was pleased that my daughter had remembered to say, “Thank you”,  to a compliment. I thought she would also enjoy the “non-mom” appreciation. After our visitor […]

Curing The Gimmee’s

curing the gimmees

Before I reached the checkout counter, I knew what was going to happen. Picking up a few items for dinner at our local market on a Sunday afternoon, I noticed a five-year-old boy with his grandmother, both of them looking a little worse for wear. The boy sported a Red Power Ranger suit with inflatable […]

Teaching Transcendence

teaching transcendence

Transcendence refers to the universal virtue that consists of the ability to express an appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality. Positive psychologists see these characteristics as being part of 24 personality strengths that create healthy and happy people. The virtue of transcendence helps us create connections to everything in the universe. […]

Letters Of Encouragement

letters of encouragement

As young parents, my husband and I took a video-based parenting course called “Active Parenting” developed by Michael H. Popkin, Ph.D. Impressed with all the valuable information I was able to put to immediate use, I became an Active Parenting instructor for several years. One of the many “gems” from the course was writing “letters […]

Teaching Temperance

teaching temperance

Temperance, one of the universal virtues, is comprised of personal strengths that protect against excess. Studies by positive psychologists indicate that strengths in forgiveness and mercy, humility and modesty, prudence, and self-regulation help us temper our thoughts and actions. Mohandas Gandhi lived a life of temperance. Gandhi gave us the example of how temperance is […]

Teaching Justice

family meetings

Justice, a universal virtue described by positive psychologists as necessary for a happy life, is comprised of the character strengths of citizenship, fairness and leadership. Vibrant community life is dependent on the civic strengths and skills of its members. The job of citizenship brings with it a need for social responsibility, loyalty and teamwork. A […]

Be Friendly With Error

Be Friendly With Error

Nicholas, a cheerful three-year-old, had cried every day at snack time for a week. Because he had spilt a pitcher of water on the snack table, Nicholas refused to try to pour himself a drink of water. Efforts to encourage Nicholas to pour an eight-ounce pitcher were met with tears. “I can’t. I’ll spill and […]

Teaching Humanity

teaching humanity

The core virtue of humanity is comprised of the character strengths of love, kindness and social intelligence. Humanity is the ability to see the connectedness of all human beings; it is the ability to help and befriend others. One of the gifts of human beings is our ability to love. We love our families. We […]

Teaching Courage

teaching courage

Courage, as one of the core virtues recognized in the field of positive psychology, incorporates four character strengths—bravery, persistence, integrity and vitality. Courage is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or difficulties with self-possession, confidence and resolution. How do we help our children develop these strengths […]