Phyllis and Dale Abernathy

My husband and I were teachers for over 30 years in the traditional school systems.  Each of us did the best we knew how and tried to make positive growth in each student’s life.  At times we were very frustrated knowing we were missing something in our delivery. When our daughters were born and began […]

Paula Craig

I should have said a thank you long ago.  Since I retired from administrating an AMI school, I have done developmental consultations and many, many parent conferences.  Frequently I forward one of your articles to follow up those conferences.  So now I say a proper thank you for your work, accessibility and good guidance.

Missy Patten

I am a Montessori Primary Teacher in Colorado. Your guidance, knowledge, and loving wisdom are so important for parents and teachers. I look forward to all your beautiful insight into the mind, body and spirit of all developing children of all ages. As a parent of teenagers, your words speak to me as a guide […]

Marjorie Shaughnessy

I am grateful for all of your many insights! I joyfully pass these along to parents to address a particular need. Our Preschool enjoys gathering in circle when they hear (your song)  “I feel happy, happy, happy…” The song calls them together and sets the environment for our pledge to the flag, followed by “God Bless America” and morning prayers and more singing!! The Catechesis […]

Marie Conti

Your Kids Talk Newsletter provides quick, easy-to-read and digest bits of advice and info that I look forward to. I have shared your columns with parents and teachers in my school and adult learners in the Montessori teacher education program where I am an instructor. I have also encouraged all of them to subscribe so […]

Lourdes Gándara de S.

Thank you, Maren Schmidt, for this year’s helping our families through tough times, giving us skills to understand children’s ways…You have no idea how Understanding Montessori has helped not only my children, but also understanding myself and the people I love.

Lily Spencer

Maren Schmidt has succeeded in synthesizing and communicating the essence of the Montessori Method to parents, teachers and schools in a way that is fun, empathetic and easy. Thank you Maren, for creating something so useful to all of us!

Julie Davis

While I love learning and taking classes in general, completing professional development courses was often a chore and the material too basic and irrelevant to my work as a Montessori educator. I was so thrilled when I came across Maren Schmidt’s course offerings and now I take advantage of her insightful online courses, newsletters and […]

Jasmine Tunnicliffe

This was an excellent course. The length was enough to cover the basics of Montessori in enough detail that I felt it worthwhile without being overwhelming. There was food for thought throughout, and it opened my eyes to several issues I hadn’t considered before.

Heidi Panosh

As a Montessori administrator, I send home your weekly newsletter to parents. This has helped them immensely to understand how Montessori can work in the home and to help with parenting skills. Our parent group is young and often their oldest child has just entered school. The information you present is encouraging and educational for […]