Category Archive:
For School Leaders

Lead or Manage?

Lead Or Manage?

As parents we lead and manage our children. If we lead without adequate management skills, logistical problems arise. If we manage without providing clear leadership, we may travel a long road to nowhere. Leadership focuses on developing people, empowerment, doing the right things, direction and principles. Management, on the other hand, concerns itself with taking […]

Join Me In Portland, OR

join me in Portland Or

Join me in Portland, Oregon on Friday, January 13, and Saturday, January 14 for an evening talk and all-day workshop. It’s hard to get me to leave Hawaii but the Oregon Montessori Association convinced me to share some workshop aloha in Portland. Would love for you to be there! Ain’t Misbehavin’ Friday, January 13 from […]

The Deep Well Of Time

deep well of time

It’s here!  To help you with storytelling, Montessori style. Michael Dorer’s new book, The Deep Well Of Time: The Transformative Power of Storytelling in the Classroom. This summer I was lucky enough to preview an advanced copy and I loved Michael’s stories. How I wish this resource had been available when I was in the classroom. […]

Dealing With ADHD In Your School

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 20 at 12 noon Pacific/ 3 PM Eastern. That’s when I’ll be giving my webinar, Dealing With ADHD In Your School. This webinar is given in conjunction with the Trillium Montessori Summer Summit as part of the Administrators track. Registration is open through July 22, 2016 with access to […]

Leaders Lead

Leaders Lead

Effective leaders empower the whole person to do the whole job of self-leadership and management. Epictetus said it well over two thousand years ago, “No man is free who is not master of himself.” In order to help others help themselves, we have to engage their minds, bodies, heart and spirits. We must include them […]

Leaders Are Committed

Leaders Are Committed

Peter Drucker, one of the greatest management minds of our time, wrote that with a few hundred years’ perspective, historians may view our time as one of “unprecedented change in the human condition. For the first time–literally–substantial and rapidly growing numbers of people have choices. For the first time, they will have to manage themselves. […]

Leaders Take Risks

Leaders Take Risks

Our initial responsibility as leaders, no matter what field we are in, is to first do no harm. If we are going to be problem solvers and remove obstacles to a child’s development, we have to take risks. Change always involves the danger that what we do may not work, but change also creates the […]

Leaders Have Imagination

Leaders Have Imagination

Being an effective leader requires immense imagination. As leaders we must envision the person who is not yet there; the situation that has not arrived; the community that is to be formed. As leaders we must imagine the human potential, and this is no small or easy task. We have to have vision and curiosity. […]

Leaders Respond

Leaders Respond

Responsibility. Think of responsibility as being able to respond with ability. As leaders, if we are to respond with ability, we must have certain skills, knowledge and attitudes. We must cultivate a habit of enlarging, as well as focusing, vital attitudes, knowledge and skills. To know and not to do, is really not to know. […]

Leaders Listen

Leaders Listen

As we examine the leader in the mirror, we should see improvement and growth as we work to enlarge our sphere of influence by learning and practicing new skills based on principles that represent the people and causes we value most. To grow as a leader we must have integrity, empathy, and critical thinking skills […]