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Different Strokes For Different Folks

different strokes for different folks

But Sammy’s mother lets them eat ice cream for breakfast. One of our parenting and teaching challenges is to explain the rules, not only in our own homes and classrooms, but in those places where we have no control. As our children’s friends and relatives visit our homes, we’ll hear the phrase, more than once, […]

Better Trickles Down

Better Trickles Down

As we learn and grow interesting events occur. Others around us grow and learn. We position ourselves to help others through our newfound knowledge and skills. One of my friends when I was ten years old received a new Monopoly game as a gift. Over the next year it sat on her shelf in the […]

Always Room For More

Always Room For More

As we learn and grow, there is always room for more. How can we say or believe that we can’t learn one more thing? Living requires that we learn more. If we are aware that learning is a necessity we can choose to engage positively in our personal growth versus experiencing the school of hard […]

Learning To Lead And Follow

learning to lead and follow

The adult is the most important part of a child’s environment. We may fill a child’s space with all kinds of learning activities. We may be able to give a child all types of advantages. What becomes significant, too often in hindsight, is the quality of the adults as being the indicator of a how […]

Give Up Something To Get Something Better

give up something to get something better

When asked to name her favorite piece from her portfolio, a well-known artist replied, “The one I am working on today.” This painter knew that to keep growing and learning she had to give up her previous work to connect with interesting and satisfying work. She had to give up her past accomplishments to grow […]

Life Is Mysterious, Be Curious

Life Is mysterious Be Curious

In our efforts to help our children and ourselves become better, we need to avoid the pat answer trap. We may get tired of answering our children’s questions, but we need to guard against dampening natural enthusiasm and curiosity for life. Asking questions, especially why, leads us to grow—intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. Asking questions […]

Potential Is A Stretch

potential is a stretch

Potential is about possibilities. It is the distance from where we are to where we want to go. To reach our potential, our undeveloped promise, is always a stretch. Everyday we have to be reaching for the next step, making the next decision, committing to the next action. That takes courage. “One isn’t necessarily born […]

Character Strength Promotes True Growth

Character Strength Promotes True Growth

Building a better you is the first step in building better relationships, better families, better communities, as well as building a better America and a better world. It all begins with an individual’s choice of what to do next, what to do now. Choice is an action, not a reaction to the set of circumstances […]

Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons

making lemonade out of lemons

The problem with problems is that wherever you go, there they are. Problems have a shadowing type of effect. They follow you around until you get them into the light of full day. Everyone has problems or bad experiences. One of the hard lessons I had to learn is that it didn’t matter how good […]

Planning To Succeed

Planning To Succeed

“This is not a dress rehearsal,” our friend Nancy says. “This is the real thing.” And how right Nancy was. Life is not a dress rehearsal. All we have is the current moment. Our time is now. In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey tells us that time management is […]