Category Archive:

Economics For Life

beginning a conversation

People are changed not by coercion or intimidation but by example. John C. Maxwell “After you graduate from college and get a job, you’ll have more money,” my grandmother told me, “but you won’t be any happier. You’ll just have a new set of problems.” The years validate the accuracy of my grandmother’s advice. I’m […]

Shoe Leather Is Cheap

shoe leather is cheap

How can we establish a habit of fitness for our children and ourselves? May I recommend a step at a time? Hugh Gailey from Stevenson, Washington walked 100 miles per week at ninety-four years young. Mr. Gailey said, “shoe leather is cheaper than medicine and doctor’s bills. Walking is the best exercise for any age.” […]



It was a bathroom mirror moment–one of those instants where you stand between two mirrors and see yourself patterned to infinity. Mindy, our neighborhood babysitter, sorted pennies by date, with my daughters, then three and five years old.   I walked in from the dentist office, minus two wisdom teeth. I’ll admit I wasn’t at the […]

Some Alternatives to Saying “No”

alternatives to saying no

There are some days in February that seem as if all we do as parents is say “no”. “No, Susan can’t spend the night. Your brother has the flu.” “No, you cannot go bike riding right now. It’s dark.” “No, we can’t go to the mall. It’s supposed to start snowing soon.” Bad weather, illnesses, […]

Removing Obstacles to Development

obstacles to development

If we wanted to raft the Grand Canyon, how would we prepare for the trip? Depending on our experience level, we might arrange for a guide to navigate us down the river. We’d want to learn about the nature and force of the river. We would want to be familiar with dangerous parts of the […]



In my chiropractor’s examining room, there is a poster of two hands reaching for a handshake with the title “Together”. The poster reads: OUR JOB See you as an individual Respect your privacy and your time Provide a comfortable office Explain procedures Monitor and report progress Show you ways to get and stay well Offer […]

Breaking Away

breaking away

“The finest inheritance you can give a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own two feet.”   Isadora Duncan “Don’t kiss me or hug me in public, Mom,” your child says as he or she wipes off your kiss. Affection that was freely given and accepted becomes an embarrassment […]

The Difference Between Discipline and Punishment

the difference between punishment and discipline

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”   Proverbs 22:6 “What is the difference between disciplining a child and punishing a child?” Jeff, father to a two-year-old, wrote in his email. “I don’t see any difference. Isn’t it the same thing?” There […]

See It In Your Child Video: The Child’s Need To Belong

the child's need to belong

We all need to feel like we belong. Children’s behavior is directed towards getting the emotional connection of belonging. Watch this video to learn about four basic, yet unconscious, goals that drive our children’s behavior. You’ll learn how these goals, when met, make for a child who is happy, cooperative, self-motivated and self-aware. Download the accompanying […]

Using Words To Encourage

words encourage

As young parents, my husband and I took a video-based parenting course called “Active Parenting” developed by Michael H. Popkin, Ph.D. Impressed with all the valuable information I was able to put to immediate use, I became an Active Parenting instructor for several years. One of the many “gems” from the course was writing “letters […]