“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 “What is the difference between disciplining a child and punishing a child?” Jeff, father to a two-year-old, wrote in his email. “I don’t see any difference. Isn’t it the same thing?” There […]
Category Archive:
See It In Your Child Video: The Child’s Need To Belong
We all need to feel like we belong. Children’s behavior is directed towards getting the emotional connection of belonging. Watch this video to learn about four basic, yet unconscious, goals that drive our children’s behavior. You’ll learn how these goals, when met, make for a child who is happy, cooperative, self-motivated and self-aware. Download the accompanying […]
Using Words To Encourage
As young parents, my husband and I took a video-based parenting course called “Active Parenting” developed by Michael H. Popkin, Ph.D. Impressed with all the valuable information I was able to put to immediate use, I became an Active Parenting instructor for several years. One of the many “gems” from the course was writing “letters […]
Priceless Presents
Do you ever worry about selecting the right gift for the special people in your life? Let’s take a few minutes to consider gifts that are free, yet priceless. Download the article and audio recording below: ARTICLE: Priceless Presents AUDIO: Priceless Presents Leave your comments below!
Cultivating An Attitude of Gratitude
How can we cultivate gratitude in ourselves and others? A few years ago a friend of mine with young children asked my advice about how to help her children appreciate the good life they had, a life full of love and comfort. She told me that when she looked at the ads of children in […]
Ideas For Great Parent Teacher Conferences
Want some tips for having a productive parent/teacher conference? For many of us, the most dreaded event during our school years was…being sent to the principal’s office. Unfortunately, some of those childhood memories make it difficult for us to be enthusiastic about going to meet with our child’s teacher. I’ll share a few tips on […]
Surviving Brotherly and Sisterly Struggles
Siblings between the ages of 3 and 7 years old engage in some kind of conflict on average 3.5 times an hour according to Laurie Kramer, professor of applied family studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. That’s one squabble about every 17 minutes! For the 2 to 4 year age group the average […]
Different Strokes For Different Folks
But Sammy’s mother lets them eat ice cream for breakfast. One of our parenting and teaching challenges is to explain the rules, not only in our own homes and classrooms, but in those places where we have no control. As our children’s friends and relatives visit our homes, we’ll hear the phrase, more than once, […]
Better Trickles Down
As we learn and grow interesting events occur. Others around us grow and learn. We position ourselves to help others through our newfound knowledge and skills. One of my friends when I was ten years old received a new Monopoly game as a gift. Over the next year it sat on her shelf in the […]
Always Room For More
As we learn and grow, there is always room for more. How can we say or believe that we can’t learn one more thing? Living requires that we learn more. If we are aware that learning is a necessity we can choose to engage positively in our personal growth versus experiencing the school of hard […]